Aug 4, 2008

Oracle 10gR2 with Ultra serach option

1. 10gR2 software installed.
2. Patch p6810189_10204_Win32 applied.
3. Database created.
4. 10201_companion_win32 installed.
Using DBCA to add database option "Ultra Search" , but failed with "ORA-06575: 套裝程式或函數 WK$IS_ADMIN 處於無效的狀態".When try to recompile WKSYS.WK$USER function , the error message "PLS-00920: parameter plsql_native_library_dir is not set" return.

Database parameter :
plsql_code_type = NATIVE
plsql_compiler_flags = NATIVE, NON_DEBUG

Must changing the database parameter as:
plsql_code_type = INTERPRETED
plsql_compiler_flags = INTERPRETED, NON_DEBUG

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