Jun 27, 2008

v$session status column display with "SNIPED"

From v$session , found status column "SNIPED".
What happened ?

> A status of SNIPED in v$session for a session indicates that the session has been terminated by Oracle, because it exceeded the IDLE_TIME set in the profile assigned to the use.

1. Find the user_name in v$session that status is SNIPED
2. select * from dba_users , check "SNIPED" status user's profile column .
3. select * from dba_profiles , check the "IDLE_TIME" limit value.
4. > show parameter resource_limit , if the value is true , then resource limit will use.

Set the IDLE_TIME in profile can release session holding resource (DB object lock), but OS resource will not release (memory resource).

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