Are you a sql server dba ?
Your continue replication job failed lots of days and nobody tell you until wrong data cause business loss ? Using following script to help get alert and automatic restart jobs.
'1. Connect to sql server and get replication status
Set oServer = CreateObject("SQLDMO.SQLServer")
oServer.LoginSecure = True 'Windows authentication
oServer.Connect "
Set queryResults = oServer.Replication.Distributor.EnumDistributionAgentViews
queryResults.ColumnName(j) = "name"
agent_name = queryResults.GetColumnString(i,j)
'3. Get distribution agent status
queryResults.ColumnName(j) = "status"
queryResults.GetColumnLong(i, j) = 6
'*** Replication Task Status Constants
Constant | Value | Description |
SQLDMOTask_Failed | 6 | At least one job failed to execute. |
SQLDMOTask_Idle | 4 | All jobs are scheduled and idle. |
SQLDMOTask_Pending | 0 | All jobs are waiting to start. |
SQLDMOTask_Retry | 5 | At least one job is attempting to execute after a previous failure. |
SQLDMOTask_Running | 3 | At least one job is executing. |
SQLDMOTask_Starting | 1 | One or more jobs are starting. |
SQLDMOTask_Succeeded | 2 | All jobs executed successfully. |
'4. When agent status become failed , restart it .
Set oJob = oServer.JobServer.Jobs(agent_name)
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